Join us for an exclusive morning with fellow Commodity Trading Alumni (CTA) Association on credit and market risk in commodity markets. In today's volatile landscape, understanding and managing credit and market risks is the critical to succeed in commodity trading. Our expert speakers, Gustavo Wolf and Damian Cavanagh from Louis Dreyfus Company will share their insights and practical experience on navigating Credit and Market risk across the commodities trading physical value chain.

Event Program:

  • 08:00 - Welcome & Registrations

  • 08:30 - Presentations/Discussion

    • Credit and market risks across the physical value chain.

    • Counterparty default risk as a function of counterparty credit rating
      and Mark-to-Market evolution.

  • 09:30 - Networking


  • Alumni & CTA Partners: CHF 25.-

  • Standard price: CHF 35.- (for professionnals in commodity trading, trade finance, shipping, etc. only)

Event Highlights:

Gain valuable knowledge from industry experts presentations Gustavo Wolf and Damian Cavanagh, who will share their practical perspectives on current credit and market risk management approaches. Learn practical techniques on credit and market risk management and explore counterparty default risk as a function of counterparty credit rating and Mark to Market evolution.