Values for Success

June 6th 2023 - 6pm to 10pm

at The Fairmont Hotel of Geneva


In the top echelons of leadership at the world’s biggest commodity traders, less than 5% are women. Increasing diversity and increasing the number of women in leadership positions can benefit the commodities sector and the wider economy.

“Leading Women Summit” is an exclusive event in Switzerland focusing on the challenges and opportunities advocating women to evolve in the Commodity Trading, Shipping and Finance into leading roles where they can unleash their true potential.

“Leading Women Summit” aims to bringing together successful women and true leaders that are already shaping the future workplace dynamics for a fascinating discussion around this topic. These women already inspire positive change in the workplace and society.

The exchanges between our outstanding leaders will highlight key success factors and unique values that are added by women, from cultural change to long-term managerial vision addressing societal and governmental setting and not only…

Key discussion topics:

1) The strength of diversity within company culture.
2) How unconscious bias can affect action
3) Impact of networking on career development
4) Current situation and initiatives in Trading, Switzerland and globally with regards to Women in management positions.
5) Fundamental role of education in everyone's approach and perception of the topic.

Exceptional Event followed by Networking Cocktail

6pm to 8pm: Conference
8pm to 10pm: Cocktail Dinner

Registrations are now closed.

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Outstanding Professional Conferences

Since 2012, CTA has organized unique conferences each year on current & relevant topics with the support of key industry participants. These events gather senior level speakers who are invited to share their insights on the challenges and potential opportunities shaping the Commodity Trading & Shipping Industry. The audience for these conferences regularly exceeds 200 participants and is extensively promoted on various media channels. Each event is unique and is followed by an exclusive networking cocktail to develop opportunities within the industry.